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Why is my air conditioner leaking water

We're going to speak about a frequent issue today—a leaky air conditioner—that a lot of us have probably encountered. If you've ever noticed water leaking from your air conditioner, you've undoubtedly questioned why and how to resolve the issue. 

Be at ease—we are here to assist. We'll go over the potential reasons for air conditioner dripping in this blog post and offer some workable fixes. Continue reading to maintain a dry, cool house!


My air conditioner is forming water; why is that?

Unlike a ceiling fan, the evaporator coil (seen on the right) in your air conditioner's internal unit is what cools the heated air that is blown over it. Similar to how water droplets develop on a cold glass of water on a hot day, this causes condensation (moisture) to form on the coil.

The condensation drain line, which is a white PVC pipe that exits your house, receives the moisture from the coil and runs into a drain pan.

In light of everything mentioned above, the following are some reasons why water leaks into your house.

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A clogged condensate drain line may cause water leakage from the air conditioner

The most frequent reason for your air conditioner to leak water indoors or outside is a clogged condensate drain pipe. The condensate line frequently becomes clogged with dust and debris that travels through it. 

It eventually adheres to the drain line's sidewalls after combining with the moisture from the air conditioner.As a result, it clogs the pipe and stops the condensation from draining to the proper place. As a result, the air conditioner's drain pipe backs up and overflows.

Drain Line Cut Off

If the drain line of your AC becomes disconnected or is not properly attached, it can cause water leakage. Over time, the drain line may loosen or disconnect due to inadequate installation, repair, or maintenance practices.

In the case of a severed drain line, water can pool on the floor or seep through the ceiling. The leakage source can vary depending on the position of your AC unit.


⫸⫸⫸  See also: Best Ceiling Fan: Your TOP Choices In “Year” on Ceilingfansliving

Thermostat is not working properly

Water leaks from your air conditioner may result from a malfunctioning thermostat. This is so that the thermostat, which cools your house, can regulate how cold the evaporator coils get. Water leaks may result from the coils freezing if they are too cold.

Make sure your thermostat is set to "cool" and "auto" before trying to solve this issue. Should your thermostat be set to both already? To aid in thawing out the coils, you can increase the temperature by a few degrees

Are you still seeing your AC leak water? There might be a problem, such as defective wiring, with the thermostat itself. 

In this instance, a professional diagnosis will probably be required in order to resolve the issue. Over the phone, an HVAC company can aid you in troubleshooting the problem and determining whether you require professional assistance.

Frozen Condenser Coil

The evaporator coil eventually reaches its limit. As refrigerant seeps into the unit, the evaporator coils become clogged and slow down rather than reducing heat and enhancing indoor air quality. It grows colder and colder till it freezes your air conditioner and quits since it has nothing to absorb heat from.

You must first turn off your air conditioner in order to repair a frozen coil and get your home's airflow back. Your air conditioner may drip water; this is simply the device defrosting. Make sure everything functions properly by scheduling an expert to inspect the equipment later.

What should I Do Right Away if My AC Is Leaking Water?

Switch off the air conditioner and mop up any remaining water from the floor. Check for ice on the evaporator coils by opening the front grille, removing the air filter if needed, and opening the grille.

If there is ice covering the coils, turn the unit off to melt the ice and place a bucket below to collect any resulting water. Turn off the air conditioner as you troubleshoot if that isn't the problem. Ideally, disconnect it.


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In conclusion, there are a number of frequent causes of a leaky air conditioner, including a filthy air filter, a clogged drain, leaking refrigerant, an improper level, or malfunctioning parts. The good news is that most of these issues are simple to resolve with routine maintenance and, if needed, expert assistance.

Maintaining the condition of your air conditioner can not only help you avoid bothersome leaks but also increase the equipment's lifespan and enhance the quality of the air in your house. 

Recall that you should get expert assistance to fix your air conditioner if it keeps leaking despite your best attempts so that you can have a cool, trouble-free summer.

It's also crucial to note that occasionally, an expert may conclude that your air conditioner has a major issue that calls for more than a straightforward repair. If so, you might have to buy a new air conditioner. If so, we cordially encourage you to visit our online store, where a large assortment of air conditioners from the top producers in the industry are available.


Source: Ceilingfansliving.com

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