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Date d'inscription
27 Octobre 2021

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Infos perso
Prénom : Anytimedoc
Sexe : Homme
Situation : Célibataire, sans enfant
Date de naissance : Non renseigné
Localisation : Non renseigné

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Son petit mot

One of the most significant benefits of having an online doctor consultation is that you won't have to wait at a clinic or see a doctor. Instead, you can submit your information and symptoms at any moment and wait for a response in a secure and private manner. Online doctors are available 24 hours a day; whether you wake up feeling terrible in the middle of the night or come home after a long day and are unable to leave the house, an online medical consultation can provide you with immediate answers.



When you phone the doctor to schedule an appointment, it can take hours, days, or even weeks to get an appointment. This is obviously unsuitable for many people, especially since long wait times for a doctor's appointment with a medical concern can reduce anxiety. Instead, you may always conduct an internet search from your computer screen. It's also a great service for the elderly or those who are feeble and can't get from their house to the doctor.

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